974 free courses & lectures available for Computer Science

Data Structures - Intro to Computer Science - Harvard's CS50 (2018)

by freeCodeCamp.org on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 2.06 hours
Learn about data structures in the c programming language. This course teaches the foundations of computer science. This video is lecture 4 of Harvard ...
Has Captions

About Channel:
We're an open source community of busy people who learn to code and build projects for nonprofits.

HTTP, HTML, CSS - Intro to Computer Science - Harvard's CS50 (2018)

by freeCodeCamp.org on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 1.77 hours
Learn the basics of how the web works with HTTP, HTML, and CSS. This course teaches the foundations of computer science. This video is lecture 5 of Harvard ...
Has Captions

About Channel:
We're an open source community of busy people who learn to code and build projects for nonprofits.
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Foundations of Computer Science for Teachers

by John B. Owen on Edx Edx
Duration: 30 hours
Learn key computer science topics to better teach your students and prepare for the Praxis & TExES Computer Science certification test.
Excellent ( 23 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
John B. Owen (Computer Science Instructor & PD Specialist, WeTeach_CS),
WeTeach_CS and The University of Texas at Austin
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AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Loops and Data Structures

by Sunil Prabhakar, Debbie Per... on Edx Edx
Duration: 45 hours
AP Computer Science A from Purdue University
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Sunil Prabhakar (Department Head, Computer Science),
Purdue University
+ more
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Introduction to Computer Science

by David J. Malan, Zamyla Chan... on Edx Edx
Duration: 15 hours
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
Very Good ( 176 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
David J. Malan (Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science),
Harvard University
+ more
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AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures

by Sunil Prabhakar, Debbie Per... on Edx Edx
Duration: 45 hours
AP Computer Science A from Purdue University
Very Good ( 1 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Sunil Prabhakar (Department Head, Computer Science),
Purdue University
+ more
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AP Computer Science A: Java Programming

by Sunil Prabhakar, Debbie Per... on Edx Edx
Duration: 63 hours
AP Computer Science A from Purdue University
Very Good ( 3 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Sunil Prabhakar (Department Head, Computer Science),
Purdue University
+ more
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MyCS: Computer Science for Beginners

by Zachary Dodds on Edx Edx
Duration: 24 hours
Very Good ( 2 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Zachary Dodds (Professor, Computer Science),
Harvey Mudd College
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Decoding AP Computer Science A

by Moksh Jawa on Udemy Udemy
Duration: 10.5 hours
Ace AP Computer Science A and get an Introduction to Java
Very Good ( 1163 Reviews )
114 Lectures
English Captions

About Instructor:
High School Student
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Decoding AP Computer Science A

by Moksh Jawa on Udemy Udemy
Duration: 10.5 hours
Ace AP Computer Science A and get an Introduction to Java
Very Good ( 1154 Reviews )
114 Lectures
English Captions

About Instructor:
High School Student