355 free courses & lectures available for Music

Heart Pop-up Card (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.12 hours
When you open it, OUT POPS a HEART! [Rather Simple]
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Origami Bouncing Heart (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.16 hours
How to fold a heart with legs that bounces and makes noise when you pull the legs apart. I designed this model by freefolding (folding without any aim in mind); ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Easy Seamless Pyramid (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.14 hours
[Simple] How to fold a Seamless Pyramid (with no extra creases showing) and how to make a tiny crater at the top so you can balance and spin an ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Nail Clippers (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.96 hours
[Complex] Tutorial: How to fold working Nail Clippers from one square no cuts! Works best folded from origami foil paper. Sorry, I wouldn't recommend using ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Pull-the-Tail Flapping Butterfly (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.23 hours
[Rather Simple] How to fold an origami butterfly that flaps it's wings when you pull the tail. This model borrows the action mechanism of the traditional flapping ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

3-D Easter Egg (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.14 hours
[Rather Simple] How to fold an inflatable egg from a single square of paper no cutting or gluing. Here's the link for where to buy the pearl paper I showed in the ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Origami Easter Basket (No Music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.11 hours
[Simple] How to fold an Easter Basket from one square. It's also and action model... You can wear it as a hat!
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Magic Happy Face (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.21 hours
"It MOVES without touching it!" Optical illusion! [Skill level: rather simple but lets call it low intermediate because sculpting the smile is a little tricky]
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Easy One Dollar Balancing Eagle (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.24 hours
[Low Intermediate] How to fold a dollar bill into an eagle that balances by its beak on the tip of a pyramid or on the rim of a glass. I put "Easy" in the title because ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...

Origami Dollar Pyramid (no music)

by JeremyShaferOrigami on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.16 hours
[Rather Simple] How to fold a one dollar bill into pyramid with George Washington on the face. This pyramid easily stores flat and can be used as the base to the ...
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About Channel:
Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer. Welcome to my origami channel where you'll learn how to fold cool or...
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