24 free courses & lectures available for Humanities

Defining the Humanities: African American Theater

by Stanford on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.11 hours
Stanford Professor of Drama Harry Elam discusses African American theater and its use as a form of social protest.
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Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is...

Defining the Humanities: Poetics

by Stanford on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.1 hours
Stanford Professor of English and Comparative Literature Roland Greene talks about poetics and how it helps us understand poetry.
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Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is...

Defining the Humanities: Prehistoric Archaeology

by Stanford on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.11 hours
Associate Professor of Anthropology John Rick discusses prehistoric archaeology and the significance of an ancient site in Peru known as Chavín de Huántar.
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Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is...

Leveraging the Humanities to Break Walls and Build Bridges

by MIT OpenCourseWare on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.03 hours
MIT 24.912 Introduction to Black Studies, Spring 2017 View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/24-912S17 Instructor: Michel Anne-Frederic DeGraff In this ...
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About Channel:
Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply a curious person that wants to learn, MIT OpenCour...
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