465 free courses & lectures available for JEE

Ring Contraction (oc) - IIT-JEE advanced || mains

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.07 hours
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About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Williamson ether synthesis (oc) - JEE Advanced || mains

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.13 hours
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About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Type of leaving group (oc)- JEE Advanced || mains

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.21 hours
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About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Cannizzaro Reaction (oc) - IIT JEE

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.15 hours
No Captions

About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Sn2 Reaction mechanism and stereochemistry (oc) - JEE Advanced || mains

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.12 hours
No Captions

About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...


by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.12 hours
No Captions

About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Markovnikov rule in Alkenes - IIT JEE chemistry

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.48 hours
Markovnikov rule is explained by IITian Faculty.
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About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Sn1 reaction mechanism - JEE Advanced || mains

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.17 hours
No Captions

About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Test for terminal alkynes - JEE Advanced || mains

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.22 hours
No Captions

About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...

Ozonolysis of alkene|alkynes- IIT JEE organic chemistry

by Any Time Padhai Academy on Youtube Youtube
Duration: 0.47 hours
No Captions

About Channel:
Any Time Padhai academy , is a "Kota based online IIT JEE academy" Founded by Vineet Khatri & Co...