920 free courses & lectures available for Science and Math

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Math in Sports

by Anne Pilkington, Michael Hi... on Edx Edx
Duration: 40 hours
Come learn how you can use mathematics to get a deeper insight into both the sports you love and everyday life.
Very Good ( 5 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Anne Pilkington ,

+ more
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Street-Fighting Math

by Sanjoy Mahajan, Isaac Chuan... on Edx Edx
Duration: 52.5 hours
Teaches, as the antidote to rigor mortis, the art of educated guessing and opportunistic problem solving.
Very Good ( 1 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Sanjoy Mahajan ,

+ more

Python for Data Science

on Edx Edx

About Instructor(s):

The Science and Practice of Sustainable Development

on Edx Edx

About Instructor(s):
Alison courseware intro 331

SAT Math Exam

on Alison Alison
This course contains sample math problems and explanatory video lessons to help you prepare for the Math SAT exam.
( 10,794 Reviews )
Alison courseware intro 334

ACT Math Exam

on Alison Alison
This course contains 60 sample problems similar to the ones you will find on the ACT (American College Testing).
( 20,856 Reviews )
Alison courseware intro 1091

Introduction to Data Science

on Alison Alison
Learn how to extract information from data using data science methods such as classification and clustering algorithms.
( 13,591 Reviews )
Alison courseware intro 707

Foundation Diploma in Mathematics - Science, Technology and Engineering

on Alison Alison
Learn foundation level math and gain the skills you need to take Science, Technology, and Engineering at third-level.
( 13,657 Reviews )
Alison courseware intro 353

Diploma in Environmental Science

on Alison Alison
Learn about climate change, planet Earth, and its resources, and start your environmental science education today.
( 47,220 Reviews )
Alison courseware intro 265

Diploma in General Science

on Alison Alison
Gain a good understanding of the basics of biology, chemistry and physics.
( 41,641 Reviews )