374 free courses & lectures available for Telecom Engineering

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Engineering: Building with Nature

by Marcel Stive, Jill Slinger,... on Edx Edx
Duration: 20 hours
Learn how to use ecological and engineering design principles to develop more effective and sustainable hydraulic infrastructure.
Very Good ( 4 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Marcel Stive (Emeritus Professor of Coastal Engineering),
Delft University of Technology
+ more
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Software Engineering Essentials

by Bernd Bruegge Ph.D., Dr. St... on Edx Edx
Duration: 40.5 hours
Learn agile methods, object-oriented programing and best practices for analysis, design, testing and management in software engineering. 
Excellent ( 7 Reviews )
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Bernd Bruegge Ph.D. (Professor of Computer Science),
Technische Universität München
+ more
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Software Engineering Essentials

by Bernd Bruegge, Stephan Krus... on Edx Edx
Duration: 48 hours
Learn agile methods, object-oriented programing and best practices for analysis, design, testing and management in software engineering.
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Bernd Bruegge (Professor of Computer Science),
Technische Universität München
+ more
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Globally Distributed Software Engineering

by Rini van Solingen on Edx Edx
Duration: 35 hours
Develop the technical and organizational skills you need to practice software engineering in a globally distributed environment.
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Rini van Solingen (Part-time full-professor in Global Software Engineering),
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
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UML Class Diagrams for Software Engineering

by Monique Snoeck on Edx Edx
Duration: 13.5 hours
Learn how unified modeling language (UML) class diagrams are created and used to visualize and conceptualize the design of a system.
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Monique Snoeck (Full Professor of Management Information Systems),
KU Leuven University
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Data Science and Engineering with Spark

by Jon Bates, Ameet Talwalkar,... on Edx Edx
Duration: 22.5 hours
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Jon Bates (Spark Instructor),
+ more
Mep201x project mastering 378x225

Management of Engineering Projects; Dealing with Complexity

by Marcel J. C. M. Hertogh, Ma... on Edx Edx
Duration: 30 hours
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Marcel J. C. M. Hertogh (Professor, Infrastructure Design and Management),
Delft University of Technology
+ more
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Management and Financing of Engineering Projects

by Marcel J. C. M. Hertogh, Ma... on Edx Edx
Duration: 30 hours
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Marcel J. C. M. Hertogh (Professor, Infrastructure Design and Management),
Delft University of Technology
+ more
Solar energy mm card

Solar Energy Engineering

by Arno Smets, Miro Zeman, Ren... on Edx Edx
Duration: 110.25 hours
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Arno Smets (Professor, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science),
Delft University of Technology
+ more
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Model-Based Automotive Systems Engineering

by Jonas Fredriksson on Edx Edx
Duration: 120 hours
Learn how to model and simulate system dynamics in automotive engineering
English Captions

About Instructor(s):
Jonas Fredriksson (Professor),
Chalmers University of Technology